Episode 4: Cats and Coyotes

(FT Nelson Melendez)

Who is tiptoeing past your door tonight? Is it a cat? Is it a coyote? Is it a coyote with a dead cat in its mouth?

Troi and Riana of Your Wild Life‘s Cat Trackers bring da Rouckus and give us a glimpse into the secret lives of our cats, which just happen to be this episode’s synanthropic organism!

Coyote expert Chris Mowry talks coyotes and his own Metro Atlanta Coyote Project (and explains that the cats might actually be low on the coyote menu. Damn).

We also chat with Keith Goldfarb about the new journal, the Urban Naturalist (really, how could we resist?), and about what cities have to offer wildlife.

Bog turtle researcher Nelson Melendez joins us to lend some expertise on tracking and modeling. Our own tranquilized bear, Tony Croasdale, regales us with tales of Old City wild canids and Siamese cats eating Thai geckos.

Want to learn more about urban cats and coyotes? Check out this famous study on their interaction, and this much-less-famous but still fabulous Grid article by yours truly. And if you’re the last urban naturalist on the planet who hasn’t seen that Coy Wolf documentary, here it is.

(Thanks for listening. Here’s that gory Philly coyote photo we promised you)

dead coyote

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