Till Next Season!

The first season of the Urban Wildlife Podcast is in the bag. If you’ve liked it, please rate us on iTunes and Stitcher so that more people can find us and like us too.

Right now we’re working on the next season of mind-blowing shows on urban wildlife around the world. We need YOU to help us.

Please let us know about urban wildlife where you are. See something cool growing out of a crack in the sidewalk? Got lizards running up and down your walls? Have you finally gotten a photo of a harpy eagle carrying a feral cat? Email us at urbanwildlifecast@gmail.com, tweet at us @UrbWildlifeCast, leave us a message on Facebook. Pull out your smartphone and record your observations. We’d love to include your urban expedition in a future Urban Wildlife Podcast episode.

Bonus Episode: Pier 53 Skinks

(FT Hannah Waters)

Nature writer Hannah Waters joins us as we talk about Benjamin Rush’s sugar maples with David Hewitt and then, in a rambling, kind of boozy interview, we discuss the five-lined skinks of Pier 53 with biologist and close friend Mike McGraw.

And read more about Pier 53 and its skinks in Grid (page 20)!


A Pier 53 five-lined skink, found by Billy, hiding under the bark of a princess tree.

Episode 9: Return of the Sturgeon

(FT Robin Irazarry)

What’s the biggest wild animal in your city? Is it a fish the size of a car? Guest host Robin Irazarry, Philadelphia Watershed Coordinator for the Tookany/Tacony Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTF) and the brains behind #HerpingTheHood, joins us as we listen to Joe Perillo of the Philadelphia Water Department talk about a notable Philly shortnose sturgeon and to Dewayne Fox, a sturgeon researcher at Delaware State University, discuss our huge aquatic neighbors.

Sturgeon from the Delaware River

Atlantic Sturgeon collected (and released) by Dewayne Fox and crew under NOAA-NMFS Endangered Species Research Permit #16507.

Want to read more in Grid? Check out Billy’s articles about the sturgeon (see p.16) and the TTF beavers.